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The Captives of Abb's Valley - CD
CD-0024, $20.00(Postage included in price)
This CD contains both the 1854 edition and the 1942 edition. This is the story of the Captain James Moore family in their capture, massacre and escape from the Shawnee. Three children survived the massacre in 1786 in Abb’s Valley, Virginia and this is their story of survival and escape from slavery in Canada to return to Virginia to establish the clan. The book is in PDF format on this CD.Table of Contents for the History
- The Valley of Virginia: Character of the first settlers in the neighborhood
- A Family Sketch: Original of the name of Abb's Valley - An Indian Battle - A startling incident
- Qualities of the Pioneer Settler: Singular Indian remains; incidents of save warfare; Captain Moore's escape from the British dragoons
- Dangers of the Settlers From Indian Incursions
- Indians Reconnoitering
- The Captives Disposed of: Mrs. Moore and a daughter murdered; fortitude and piety of Little Mary Moore; the whites attack the Indian towns and burn them; the Indians in consequence go to Canada for aid; hardships
- James MOORE, the first captive, heirs of his sister in Canada, and visits her; her sad condition
- Habits of the Settlers
- The Captives Make Arrangements for their Return to Virginia
- Subsequent History of the Captives
- God's Faithfulness to his Promises as Illustrate in the Descendant of the chief subject of these sketches.
Short Excerpt From Ancestral Line of STILL Delia Frank STILL, second child of Dr. S. S. Still, was born in Maryville July 24, 1883 and was educated in Maryville and Kirksville schools, Drake Academy, Des Moines, Graduated 1899, and in Drake University, B.S. 1903 and Phi Beta Kappa, and was elected to the Drake board of trustees in 1921. She is a Methodist and a member of D.A.R., W.C.T.U., American Association of University Women, Etc. June 27, 1904, she married Guy B. BRUNK, born at Pulaski, Iowa, October 28, 1879, education in the public schools of Moulton, Des Moines, Sioux City, and Marshalltown, Iowa, Omaha, Louisville and Mobile, also Drake University, Drake University Medical School and S.S. Still College of Osteopathy, D.O., 1900, traveling salesman, secretary Des Moines Trust Company, since 1928 president Polk County Mortgage Company, Des Moines; member Christian Church - two children) ...
Surnames Included in This Publication Adams, Ahern, Akers, Albert, Alexander, Alleine, Allen, Allison, Amsden, Anderson , Andrews, Arbogast, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Ayres
Bailey , Baker , Bakewell, Balch, Bane, Barclay, Barlow, Barnes , Barnett, Barr, Beamer, Beavers , Beggs, Belchee, Belcher, Bell , Belt, Bender, Bennett, Bentler, Bernard, Bevans, Billips, Bise, Bishop, Bixby, Black, Blair, Blakey, Bocher, Bocock, Boggs, Bohrer, Bondurant, Bones, Bowen, Bowler, Bratton, Brent, Brigman, Briscoe, Brisonk, Britts, Brockenbrough, Brome, Broucheck, Brown , Browning, Brunk, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan , Bullock, Bundy, Burnett, Burrass
Callison, Campbell , Carpenter, Carrick, Carrington, Carruth, Carter , Caruthers, Carzine, Cassell, Cassidy, Chambers, Chapin, Chapin, Cheek, Chevuront, Chitwood, Christian, Clark , Clements, Cleophas, Cloyd, Clubb, Coalter, Coghill, Cole, Combs, Compton , Comstock, Coogle, Cowan, Craig, Crawford , Crocker, Crockett , Culbertson, Culton, Cumbow, Cummings, Cunningham
Dabney , Dalziel, Dandridge, Daniel, Daugherty, Davenport, Davidson , Davis , Dawson, Dayton, Dennis, Dew, Dickerson, Dickson, Dill, Dixon, Doak, Dockery, Dodd, Doggett, Domdy, Doty, Douthat, Downey, Drake, Drinkard, Duffy, Dunbar, Dunnington, Dutton
Eddington, Eddins, Edwards, Eley, Elliott, Ellis, Elswich, Ely, Evans
Fanning, Finch, Finley, Fisher, Flanagan, Flournoy, Floyd, Foster, Fox, Franklin, French, Franz, Fugate, Fulton, Funk
Gaines, Gamble , Carner, Garrett, Garrish, Ghiselin, Gibbes, Gibbon, Gilkeson, Gillespie, Gilmore, Glasgow , Gluesenkamp, Goddard, Gold, Gordon, Gore, Gould, Graham , Gray, Gregory, Groseclose, Guffy
Hale , Hall , Hambrick, Hambeck, Hamilton, Hamman, Hancock, Hardie, Hardy, Hare, Harman , Harris, Harrison, Hatchett, Hawkins, Hawley, May, Helmback, Helms, Hendren, Hendrickson, Hereford, Heryford, Hess, Hickey, Higginbotham, Hill, Himes, Hocum, Hodges, Hoge, Hogshead, Hogue, Hoke, Holmes, Hopson, Hounshell, Houston , Hudson, Hummer, Humphrey, Hunnell, Huston, Hutcheson, Hyatt, Hypes
Johnson , Johnston, Jonas, Jones , Junkin
Karr, Kaye, Keister, Kelley, Kelso , Kendall, Kennedy, Kirby, Kitts, Knight, Koontz
Lafferty, Laird, Lambert, Lauck, Laughlin, Lawrence, Lawson, Leach, Lee, Leedy, Lefel, Leftwich, Leggin, Leps, Lester, Letton, Lewis, Lightner, Lillard, Lillywhite, Littlejohn, Litton, Loar, Lockwood, Long, Looney, Lowrie, Lucas, Lusk, Lynn
Macan, Mack, Mahood, Maitland, March, Marquis, Marquith, Martin , Matthews, Maxwell, Mayfield, Mays, Meachan, Means, Meek, Melcher, Meyers, Miller , Mills, Minnick, Minor, Mitchell , Moen, Moffett, Montgomery, Moore , Moorman, Morgan, Morley, Morrison , Morton, Moss, Moye, Mullin , Mullins, Mustard, Myers
McAfee, McCaa, McCall, McChesney, McClanahan, McClellan, McClung, McClure, McCollum, McCorkle, McCulloch, McDaniel, McDonald, McDowell, McEwen, McFarland, McGinnis, McInhenney, McKelway, McKnight, McLaughlin , McLennan, McNutt , McPheeters , McQueen
Napier, Nash , Naylor, Neale, Neel , Neilson, Nicewander, Noyes
Odom, Olson, Osborne
Pannill, Parker, Pasley, Patterson , Paxton , Peery Perrin, Peters, Phelps, Plecker, Poage , Polk, Porter , Porterfield, Potts, Pratt, Prentiss, Prescott, Preston , Price, Prince, Pryor, Purdue
Rainer, Rambo, Rankin, Ratcliff, Rayfield, Reaville, Reed, Reinhart, Remoly, Rice, Richardson, Rider, Rideout, Rind, Roberts, Robertson, Roeder, Rogers, Rosebro, Rosenbaum, Ross, Rosser, Rowland, Rucker, Ruffner, Rutherford, Ryland
Sale, Sampson, Sanders, Sayers, Schleuss, Searight, Senwell, Setszer, Settington, Shannon , Sheldon, Shelley, Shelton, Shumate, Simmons, Simms, Snidow, Sizer, Smith , Smithdeal, Smoot, Spears, Speece, Speer, Spessard, St. Clair, Stafford, Stamey, Stephenson, Sterrett, Steventon, Still , Stimson, Stockman, Storey, Streit, Stuart , Stuffey, Summerlin, Summers, Suthers, Swain
Taber, Tabor, Tate, Taylor , Teackle, Telford, Temple, Thompson , Thomson, Thornton, Thoroman, Timberlake, Todd, Tompkins, Trueheart, Trumbo, Tuggle, Turner
Vaiden, Vance, Van Marter, Vaughan , Veith, Venable, Vier, Vinson, Violett
Waddell, Wagner, Wait, Walker , Wallace , Wallin, Ward , Waterman, Watkins, Welch, Wellford, Wells, West, Wheelock, Whipple, White , Whitley , Whitman, Whitt, Wiggins, Wilburn, Williams, Williamson , Wilson , Willson, Wiskerchen, Willie, Withrow, Witten , Wolf, Wolverton, Woods , Woodward, Woolwine, Wright, Wylie
Zeiders, Zell